About Me

With a background in social advocacy, I am passionate about tackling societal challenges such as housing, transportation, and youth education. This passion, combined with my interest in psychology and technology, inspired me to explore how design can create meaningful change in communities. I pursued a degree in cognitive science, learning about the implications of human perception and behavior, while building my research and design skills through community-oriented work with the Tech4Good research lab. Outside of design, I love exploring my creativity through dance!

My Design Values


Empathizing with people's perspectives and needs

Empathy and compassion are my biggest priorities because they are crucial for creating solutions that effectively address people's needs.


Teamwork and collaboration

I thrive in collaborative environments, where everyone's input is valued and team members support each other's growth.


Making iterations based on feedback

I embrace feedback to refine and improve my work, whether it's from my colleagues or our product's target audience.